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Psychotherapy is a valuable tool for deepening self-awareness and awakening to unconscious patterns of thought and behavior that prevent us from living fully engaged, present, and healthy lives.

Unexamined habitual thoughts, beliefs, and reactive emotions often keep us from experiencing all of the richness that life has to offer. These habitual thoughts are self perpetuating. The more you think in a particular way, the more likely you are to repeat that thought. To create new ways of thinking and moving in the world, new neuro-pathways ways must be forged. Neuroscientific research shows that human beings are capable of developing new neuro-pathways throughout their entire lives. This means ingrained patterns are not permanent, but plastic. This process is known as neuroplasticity and it means that the brain is capable of re-wiring.

To do this, we must be willing to engage in a new way of relating to ourselves and our lives. As we examine old thoughts, feelings and behaviors, we can choose which continue to serve us, and which we no longer need. This awareness breeds action, and we can make the conscious choice and effort to create new ways of thinking and being. It is not always easy to do this, but it is always worth the effort.

Once we begin to engage in this process we can experience relief from symptoms of anxiety, depression, and ambivalence. We can step mindfully into our lives and see things with fresh perspective!

Psychotherapy is a process of curiosity, discovery, and insight. It can be challenging at times, and also exciting. The good news is that you don't have to set out on this journey alone!

Ryan's goal as a therapist is to help you sort through your thoughts and feelings, offer support through an exchange of ideas and/or validation of your current beliefs, and help you to see the patterns that keep you in a self-perpetuating cycle. She also provides you with tools to increase your capacity for self-awareness, body-awareness, emotional regulation, and momentary relief from stress and anxiety.

Her intention is to be present, to listen, to provide feedback, and to accompany you on your path of self-discovery and healing. She will do that using an eclectic assortment of tools and techniques that she has learned and practiced over the years. Most importantly, though, she carries deep respect and passion for this process and believes that it can be life-changing. 

If you are curious about what this process may look like for you, contact Ryan to schedule a free 15 minute consultation.


The basic work of health professionals in general, and of psychotherapists in particular, is to become full human beings and to inspire full human beingness in people who feel starved about their lives. -Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche